• Family,  Rants & Musings

    3 Summer Rules for Our Summer Vacation – Lessons Learned

    Welcome back. As you can only guess, we had one crazy summer. I didn’t even have time to write a single article, either because we were busy or I was tired from being busy. I hope to pick up where I left off, but please be patient because I am still learning how to do this.

    I wrote an article earlier this summer, 3 Summer Rules for Our Summer Vacation, about the rules we would have for the summer. That was in early June. Today, I thought I would update you on how we did with those rules and the lessons we learned over the summer.

    We did excellent following our summer rules for the first week or so. After that, life got in the way, and xthings just went downhill. I would say that halfway through June, we started only doing about half of the summer rules. We would get up, get dressed, and have breakfast. We would do a chore or two about every other day.

    July is when we usually take our family’s summer vacation. This year was no exception. In about three weeks, we went on our family vacation to Alaska, had a family reunion trip to Bear Lake, my daughter went on a camping trip with a young women’s group, and I went on my girls’ weekend with my sisters and mom. I previously wrote about my family’s girls’ weekends in Discover the Magic of a Girls’ Weekend.

    With all that going on, we hardly had enough time to get up and dressed, let alone do any chores. Sure, we would do basic stuff. I would have time to clean the kitchen and do the dishes. I would do laundry when I could, but most of the time, we didn’t have time to fold it or put it away. I would vacuum every once in a while, but not every day like before.

    By the time we got to August, we were trying to recover from our busy July and survive until school started again. The children hardly did a single chore. At this point, the kids were doing whatever they wanted so I could get stuff done myself. It sounds horrible, but they were running around being kids, hanging with friends, and enjoying the last few weeks of summer. I was okay with it.

    Of course, our chaos and recovery made the house go downhill pretty quickly. We got very behind on our laundry from our trips, and cleaning was almost nonexistent.

    Luckily, the weekend before school started, we had nothing. I mean nothing. There were no soccer, dance, band, or family gatherings. I bet you can guess what I made my family do that weekend. We spent the weekend putting our house back in order. Did the kids love that their last weekend was spent cleaning? Absolutely not! It needed to be done, so I had them help me anyway!!! I am a mean mom, I know!

    What are my takeaways from our three summer rules? There are a few; here they are.

    1. It was a good idea, in theory!
    2. Did I have good intentions? Yes!
    3. We tried, but life got in the way. That is okay.
    4. Did we still have a good summer? Yes, we did!
    5. Did we fail in our summer rules? Yes, we failed horribly.

    Yes, we failed horribly, but do you know what? I am okay with that. We tried something new, and it didn’t work. I have learned from this summer, and I will make adjustments for next summer. It was a good lesson for the children that it didn’t work out as planned, but it was still a great summer. Failure is not the end. All we can do is make adjustments and always try again.

    Now that school is back in, it is an excellent time to get back on schedule. Keep following me for our back-to-school schedule and family rules!

    How did you do this summer? Did you follow any summer rules that you could keep or not keep? I would love to hear how everyone’s summer went.

  • Family

    How to Survive Summer Break With a Summer Activites Poster

    Summer break is here! For parents like me, it’s a love/hate relationship with summer! I love to be at home, but I know it is essential for the kids to get out and have fun. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get a little nervous about what I will do to entertain the kids for three months in the summer. I worry they won’t have enough activities, or I won’t be able to do enough to keep them entertained.

    The thing I like to do most, and one way my family survives summer break, is with a summer activities poster. What is a summer activities poster, you might ask? It is so simple; it is a large poster with all the fun ideas and activities written on it that we want to accomplish during the summer. As we do an activity, we cross it off, and when we need something to entertain us, we look at the poster and choose one of the activities we have yet to do.

    To create a summer activities poster, you need three things:

    1. One large poster board
    2. A lot of colorful markers (we prefer to use colored Sharpies)
    3. Fun and silly stickers

    When we create our summer activities poster, we first decorate the poster with a heading written all fancy and crazy! We like to have fun with this. We’ll put things like “Our Awesome and Amazing Summer Activities” or “2022 Summer Of Fun!” Then we’ll add some stickers to it! The kids go crazy with this one! Once we’ve got our heading on the poster, and it’s got stickers on it, we write as many ideas as we can think of on the poster. I recommend you put as many activities on it as possible! We try to come up with enough ideas to fill the poster and leave very little open or white space. The ideas can be as straightforward or as extensive as you wish. It is up to you. I recommend putting a little square in front of the activity, so you can put a sticker on it to check it off when you have completed it. And then have fun and aim to complete all the activities on the poster before returning to school.

    Simple Ideas for Your Summer Activities Poster

    • Check out books at the library
    • Join a summer reading program
    • Make homemade ice cream
    • Watch a new movie
    • Sleep outside on the trampoline
    • Make a new and delicious summer treat
    • Go hiking and explore
    • Go to the local swimming pool
    • Complete a sewing project
    • Go on a bike ride as a family

    Extensive Ideas for Your Summer Activities Poster

    • Go on a family vacation
    • Go on an overnight campout as a family
    • Take a day trip to a big city
    • Have a sleepover at grandma’s and grandpa’s house
    • Stay in a local hotel overnight and go swimming in the pool

    There are no right or wrong ideas that you can put on your poster. Just have fun and make sure you get the kids involved. Their opinion matters the most; to be honest, sometimes they have the best ideas!

    I hope you have a happy summer, and good luck completing your summer activities poster.