• Rants & Musings

    How I Love to Lose Track of Time Doing Puzzles

    Do you have that one thing you love to do, and when you do that one thing, you lose track of time? I do! The one activity I can lose track of time doing is putting puzzles together.

    I love to put puzzles together. It is very relaxing for me. Sometimes, when I am putting a puzzle together, hours will go by without realizing it. It’s gotten to the point that when I start putting a puzzle together, I must be very careful because I lose track of time easily.

    I will put together all kinds of puzzles. There are so many puzzles that it is sometimes hard to choose from. Around the holidays, it is fun to put together a holiday puzzle. The kids sit with me and help me when I pull out a puzzle. I love to do any activity if I can get my kids to participate in it with me!

    Puzzles are also great for those long weekends when the kids are out of school. We like to set one up in the living room and work on it all weekend. Sometimes, we will do a large puzzle, such as a 1000-piece one, or a couple of smaller ones for my youngest child.

    Last Christmas, we bought a wooden puzzle. The pieces are cut out of wood instead of the cardboard pieces. The kids liked this one because they had little pieces in the shape of little animals or flowers. The wood puzzles usually come in exotic animals, like elephants or tigers.

    You might think that puzzles can get expensive, and you are right. We like to get our small puzzles from the dollar store. We also pass around our puzzles to other family members, and they, in turn, share their puzzles with us. That makes it less expensive when we can share puzzles with others. Occasionally, we will splurge and buy a nice puzzle, such as the wood puzzle. I am okay with spending a little money on puzzles because they are more educational and creative than other things my kids spend time doing.

    Even though this activity makes me lose track of time and makes me put off doing my household responsibilities, I still do it. Cleaning can always wait. Plus, to me, when my kids help with the puzzle, that is more important than cleaning!

    Do you have a favorite puzzle you like to put together? Is there an activity you like to do that makes you lose track of time? Please share. I would love to hear about it.

  • Rants & Musings

    My Favorite Time of the Year, I Love Fall!

    Happy Fall, Y’all!! I love the fall season! I always tell people that Halloween is my favorite holiday. It isn’t necessarily the holiday itself, but it is the season it is in. There are three things I love about the fall season. I call these my three S’s.

    Sweaters, Scents, and Scenery!!!


    There is just something about wearing sweaters that makes you feel all nice and cozy. I get so excited when the weather turns cold, and I can bust out all my sweaters. This is the number one thing I love about the fall season. I can’t wait to wear my sweaters.


    The next thing that screams the fall season to me is the smell. There are many yummy smells at this time of year, from apples to pumpkins. My favorite smell is spiced apple cider. I feel like when I smell these scents, it just makes everything seem so homey! I love to come home from the grocery store when it is cold out and walk into the house, which smells so good. It always puts a smile on my face. It especially makes me happy when my children tell me the house smells so good. That means they appreciate it just like I do!


    Where I live, we are very close to the mountains. Every fall, the mountains change from green to orange and red. It is the most gorgeous thing to watch happen. When the leaves start to change, going up the canyon to see the change is amazing. Sometimes, we drive through the canyon; other years, we will go hiking. This is something that we do as a family. You have to love whatever it is that you can get the whole family together and do, especially if you have a teenager!

    My list of favorite things about fall could go on and on. These are just a few things I love once the fall season is here. What are your favorite things to do to bring in the fall season? I would love to hear what you do in your families.

  • A picture of the Harvey family.

    About Our Family

    We are a perfectly imperfect family. This phrase describes our family perfectly. We have our ups and downs, our good times and bad, but we’re always together and working to be the best family we can be. Are we perfect? No, but at the same time, I think we’re close.

    A Little About Each Of Us

    My name is Brynn. I am a stay-at-home mom. I am an introvert, and I have recently discovered that I am highly sensitive. I love to be at home. My favorite hobbies are reading, cooking, watching movies, puzzles, and playing games with my family.

    My husband, Drew, works in tech; he’s a major geek and works from home. He has worked from home since our firstborn was about six months old. Having a husband who works from home has its ups and downs. Without his computer knowledge, I would never have been able to put this blog together.

    Our oldest child, a son, was born in 2007. He is obsessed with playing video games. When we can pull him away from his video games, he likes to play his drums, play video games, and golf when his dad can get him to agree to go. He has had his fair share of challenges. When he was 18 months old, he was diagnosed with tactile defensiveness. He is susceptible to touch. When he was in second grade, he was also diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive Subtype.

    Our middle child, a daughter, was born in 2011. She is our tomboy and our athlete. She loves soccer. Her passion, though, is art. She loves to draw and make crafts out of anything that she can find. She is a social butterfly. She loves being around people and has so many friends it is hard to keep up with them all. She is the opposite of me.

    Our last child, a daughter, was born in 2014. She is our spitfire. She has so much energy and so much personality that she is the one that keeps us laughing. She is the complete opposite of her sister. She is very much a girly girl. She loves dresses and loves having her hair always done fancy. I am not very good at fancy hair, and she hates that. She loves to dance. She is dancing all the time, even in the grocery store!