Rants & Musings

How to Avoid Doing Laundry on the Weekends

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Do you like to do laundry? How about doing laundry on the weekends? Doing laundry for me is on my list of chores I hate to do. It is right up there with cleaning the bathrooms. It is also on the list of things that must be done, no matter how much I dislike it. I would prefer not to do laundry on the weekends, so I have devised a schedule that allows me to enjoy the weekends with my family.

My Weekly Laundry Schedule

Before I start, I want to say that this schedule works for me. The best thing to do is make a schedule that works for you and your life. I am a stay-at-home mom, so this might not work the same for those working or those busy and not home all the time. I hope I can still inspire you so you can have days when you don’t need to do laundry.

I love to make schedules and be organized. It is just something that I enjoy doing. So, of course, that is how I do my laundry with a schedule. Keep in mind that I have three kids. You may have less or more than that. I may have less or more laundry than you do, so adjust this to work best for you. Anyway, here is my schedule.


Monday is the day that I do my husband’s and my laundry. Depending on the week we had, I have anywhere from three to five loads to wash. I start my loads the night before by sorting our laundry and putting a single load in on a delay to start in the morning before I wake up. My washing machine has a delayed start feature, which is the best thing ever! So, I will put a load of laundry in on Sunday night before I go to bed, and I will delay it to start for 8 hours. Then, I can rotate laundry and start a new load when I wake up Monday morning. It saves me so much time. The rest of the day, I rotate my laundry as soon as a load is done until I have completed all my loads. I also like to fold the clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. They don’t get done if I don’t, which happens more than I care to admit.


Tuesday is the day that I wash all of the towels we used that week, including the kitchen towels and rags. This can also take a couple of loads. I wash my towels in baking soda and vinegar. This makes it so they don’t get that mildew smell.


On Wednesday, I wash my daughter’s clothes. I have two daughters, so I have a few loads this day. I wash their regular clothes separately and then a load of delicates together. Here is a small confession. During the school year, I wash and fold their laundry, and they must put it away. During the summer, when they have more time, they are in charge of washing their clothes. Also, use a color catcher so you don’t have to separate your clothes. You can wash them all together. This is a huge time saver!


On Thursday, I wash my son’s clothes. This day doesn’t take me long because my son doesn’t wear as many clothes as my girls! I have fewer loads this day, and because of that, I will wash anything extra. Sometimes, I have soccer uniforms or swimsuits or some other random things that I will wash.


On Friday, I will wash the sheets. I just started using the new Lysol Washing Sanitizer, which makes my sheets smell so good. It makes me feel like they get extra clean when I use this.

Saturday and Sunday

On Saturday and Sunday, I relax and spend time with my family! Like always, this is not a perfect schedule, but it is the best I can do!

I love that I have days that I don’t have to worry about doing laundry. Like I said before, this is what works for me. Are there weeks that it doesn’t work out like this? Yes, all the time. It isn’t perfect. I try my best to follow this. Do you have a laundry schedule? I would love to hear how you get all your laundry done during the week! Please comment below!

I am a stay-at-home wife and mother to three amazing kids, including one who is in constant battles with ADHD and tactile defensiveness. I think we're the perfectly imperfect family! I am an introvert, and I recently discovered that I am a highly sensitive person. I love to be at home, and my favorite hobbies are reading, cooking, watching movies, puzzles, and playing games with my family. You can also find me online: Facebook - Pinterest

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